Monday 17th - Tuesday 18th November 2014
On these days we worked further in our groups, rehearsing the "Our Country's Good" scenes.
We started each day with a warm up and some tongue twisters before getting to work.
I worked in my group with Elvina and Katy and we rehearsed over and over again, trying to improve our piece however we could, and Rob also spent some time with us choreographing the small fight which happens in our scene.
I worked in my group with Elvina and Katy and we rehearsed over and over again, trying to improve our piece however we could, and Rob also spent some time with us choreographing the small fight which happens in our scene.
We also all worked on the concept of emotional recall.
We did an exercise where we sat with our eyes closed and were told to imagine as vividly as we could different senses; a pleasant smell and an unpleasant smell, a nice sight and a bad sight, something nice to touch and something not nice to touch. a positive sound and a negative sound, and a taste we like and a taste we don't.
We did an exercise where we sat with our eyes closed and were told to imagine as vividly as we could different senses; a pleasant smell and an unpleasant smell, a nice sight and a bad sight, something nice to touch and something not nice to touch. a positive sound and a negative sound, and a taste we like and a taste we don't.
Wednesday 19th November 2014
Today we started looking at our next storytelling assignment, which is about stories from World War one. We looked at the whole concept of war and shared our ideas and opinions on it.
We started by standing in a circle and going around it one by one, saying one word we associated with war. After we had done this for a while, we split into pairs.
We had to, as quickly as we could, do the same exercise, but one on one.
Then we did it where we added an action with the word we said, and we did it in several different pairs.
Next, we formed groups of about four, playing the "Yes, let's!" game, but with war theme.
We would go around the circle in our fours and each say a word along with an action about war, then everyone else would do the same.
We continued to do this, joining other groups, until eventually the class was split into two large groups doing this exercise, and then we directed our words and actions at the other group as a whole, and it became very like a battle itself, with opposing sides.
Then, we split into groups of only about four, and worked on short improvisations based around just one word we associated with war.
I worked in a group with Amber, Mara and Didi. The word we chose was dictator, and we did an improvisation about how one girl who wanted to be in the Hitler Youth turned on her two friends who were against it, and how that conflict led to their demise, and resulted in one of the friends actually killing another.
It was an intense story even though it was short.
Everyone performed their improvisations for the group and we all gave feedback to one another.
Thursday 20th November 2014
Today we continued to do voice work and work on our poem assignment.
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